
Private Const BASE64CHR As String = “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=”
Private psBase64Chr(0 To 63) As String
Public Function DecodeBase64String(str2Decode As String) As String
DecodeBase64String = StrConv(DecodeBase64Byte(str2Decode), vbUnicode)
End Function
Public Function DecodeBase64Byte(str2Decode As String) As Byte()
Dim lPtr As Long
Dim iValue As Integer
Dim iLen As Integer
Dim iCtr As Integer
Dim Bits(1 To 4) As Byte
Dim strDecode As String
Dim str As String
Dim Output() As Byte

Dim iIndex As Long
Dim lFrom As Long
Dim lTo As Long
str = Replace(str2Decode, vbCrLf, “”)
For lPtr = 1 To Len(str) Step 4
iLen = 4
For iCtr = 0 To 3
iValue = InStr(1, BASE64CHR, Mid$(str, lPtr + iCtr, 1), vbBinaryCompare)
Select Case iValue ‘A~Za~z0~9+/
Case 1 To 64:
Bits(iCtr + 1) = iValue – 1
Case 65 ‘=
iLen = iCtr
Exit For
Case 0: Exit Function
End Select
Bits(1) = Bits(1) * &H4 + (Bits(2) And &H30) &H10
Bits(2) = (Bits(2) And &HF) * &H10 + (Bits(3) And &H3C) &H4
Bits(3) = (Bits(3) And &H3) * &H40 + Bits(4)
lFrom = lTo
lTo = lTo + (iLen – 1) – 1
ReDim Preserve Output(0 To lTo)
For iIndex = lFrom To lTo
Output(iIndex) = Bits(iIndex – lFrom + 1)
lTo = lTo + 1
DecodeBase64Byte = Output
End Function
Public Function EncodeBase64Byte(sValue() As Byte) As String
Dim lCtr As Long
Dim lPtr As Long
Dim lLen As Long
Dim sEncoded As String
Dim Bits8(1 To 3) As Byte
Dim Bits6(1 To 4) As Byte
Dim I As Integer
For lCtr = 1 To UBound(sValue) + 1 Step 3
For I = 1 To 3
If lCtr + I – 2 <= UBound(sValue) ThenBits8(I) = sValue(lCtr + I - 2)lLen = 3ElseBits8(I) = 0lLen = lLen - 1End IfNext'//转换字符串为数组,然后转换为4个6位(0-63)Bits6(1) = (Bits8(1) And &HFC) 4Bits6(2) = (Bits8(1) And &H3) * &H10 + (Bits8(2) And &HF0) &H10Bits6(3) = (Bits8(2) And &HF) * 4 + (Bits8(3) And &HC0) &H40Bits6(4) = Bits8(3) And &H3F'//添加4个新字符For lPtr = 1 To lLen + 1sEncoded = sEncoded & psBase64Chr(Bits6(lPtr))NextNext'//不足4位,以=填充Select Case lLen + 1Case 2: sEncoded = sEncoded & "=="Case 3: sEncoded = sEncoded & "="Case 4:End SelectEncodeBase64Byte = sEncodedEnd Function'对字符串进行Base64编码并返回字符串Public Function EncodeBase64String(str2Encode As String) As StringDim sValue() As BytesValue = StrConv(str2Encode, vbFromUnicode)EncodeBase64String = EncodeBase64Byte(sValue)End FunctionPrivate Sub InitBase()Dim iPtr As Integer'初始化 BASE64数组For iPtr = 0 To 63psBase64Chr(iPtr) = Mid$(BASE64CHR, iPtr + 1, 1)NextEnd




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